xlsgen : XLS Conversion pack

Build of xlsgen adds an XLS conversion pack. It is made of the following :

- XLSX to XLS file conversion (also XLSM to XLS)

- XLSB to XLS file conversion

- XLSX to XLSB : VBA macros preserving

- XLSB to XLSX : VBA macros preserving

The conversion from XLSX or XLSB files back to XLS files is the bigger piece of the pie. In 2022, it sounds a little odd to hear that we are still providing tools to leverage XLS files, but for legacy systems out there, it may be the only option available. So there it is. Of course, converting to a XLS file comes with a baggage : the sheet rows and columns are much smaller (64K rows per sheet instead of one million, ...), a number of objects are not supported at all (such as the data model), and a number of objects are partially supported (such as conditional formattings where databars simply do not exist). Those wanting to leverage XLS files when it's known to be such a subset of XLSX/XLSB better know what they are doing.

Here is how XLSX ==> XLS conversion works :

workbook = engine.Open("inputfile.xlsx", "outputfile.xls");

Open() in-memory variants also work (OpenInMemory, OpenFromMemory).

Posted on 16-November-2022 13:28 | Category: xlsgen, Excel generator | comment[0] | trackback[0]


Wikipedia était déjà moribon, maintenant c'est la mort

extrait : "Une physicienne anglaise travaille depuis 2017 à l’ajout de pages Wikipédia dédiées aux femmes notamment des scientifiques inconnues du grand public."

Ce travail change de nature wikipedia, qui a vocation a être une encyclopédie en ligne permettant de mettre les gens d'accord sur des sujets connus et déjà vulgarisés. Pas du tout pour y mettre des articles féminins puisque manifestement c'est l'argument numéro un pour justifier de rajouter un article.

RIP wikipedia.

Là où le féminisme passe, la vie trépasse.

Posted on 19-October-2022 19:22 | Category: France | comment[0] | trackback[0]


Propagande ordinaire dans le journal Ouest France

Propagande ordinaire dans le journal Ouest France

extrait : "Grand oublié de la crise de l’énergie qui touche actuellement l’Europe, le réseau Internet représente pourtant une part importante de la consommation électrique française."

Affirmation gratuite.

extrait : "« À lui seul, le numérique représente 10 % de la consommation électrique française », expose Julia Meyer, qui constate que cette part augmente à mesure que de nouveaux usages se développent, à l’image du Metaverse, des cryptomonnaies ou même du déploiement de la 5G."

Le minage des cryptomonnaies est mort, car il n'est plus viable financièrement. Par conséquent les chiffres statistiques des administrations ne tiennent pas compte de la réalité. Ca ne les empêche pas de tirer des conclusions hyperboliques. Et de les faire publier sur des journaux comme Ouest France, trop content de publier du contenu original. Faux, mais original...

Posted on 22-September-2022 19:40 | Category: France | comment[0] | trackback[0]


Figma purchased by Adobe for $20 billion, what's the deal ?

When I first heard the news that Adobe was purchasing online softwae Figma for no less than $20 billion, I thought this had to signal something new, kind of the end of an era, the era of on-premise (Adobe) software. And this was extremely bad news for other on-premise software companies.

But now that I have reviewed what Figma actually is, little more than a SVG scene editor, I have to wonder if some people out there are nuts. Indeed, web browsers have been supporting the rendering of SVG shapes for some time. And writing an online program that allows to add such shape in a canvas, and move its pixels, is just nothing to write much about. Besides the fact that SVG specs has a number of metrics, and Figma uses the worst metrics for such things, i.e. pixels, which means someone builds scenes that are not scalable across canvas sizes, i.e. target devices.

Wake me up when you can actually design user interfaces using an online tool. Figma (or Sketch) is none of that. Using a paper is both more comfortable and more productive, assuming that those sheets don't have to be shared with a lot of people. Figma (or Sketch) seems good at sharing those SVG scenes, at least better than sheet of papers, but let's call it what it is then. Not a UI design tool, just a sheet sharing tool. This is not worth $20 billion by any stretch of the imagination.

Posted on 21-September-2022 20:12 | Category: News | comment[0] | trackback[0]


xlsgen : Fix for pivot table ref update

Build of xlsgen fixes a problem related to updating pivot table's data source worksheet names, when such renaming event occurs.

Posted on 17-September-2022 10:50 | Category: xlsgen, Excel generator | comment[0] | trackback[0]


Explication sur le prix de l'énergie en Europe

extrait : "Under EU energy rules, the price of electricity is determined by the cost of the most expensive fuel, usually gas, rather than cheaper renewables and nuclear power. As a result of all-time-high gas prices, low-carbon electricity generators have been rewarded with a big increase in income."

Ca dérange seulement maintenant l'Europe que les prix de l'électricité, puisque indexés sur l'énergie la plus polluante quand bien même il s'agit de vendre de l'énergie nucléaire, soient aussi élevés.

Pas parce que c'est cher et que ça empêche les entreprises et les particuliers de vivre.

Non, pas du tout, le problème c'est que ces prix arrivent en partie dans la besace de Putin, et ça ça ne plait pas du tout à nos idéologues européens.

Au point même que Von der leyen sort une énormité :

extrait : "These revenues do not reflect their production costs"

Jusqu'ici, ça ne les dérangeait pas...

Posted on 07-September-2022 19:02 | Category: News | comment[0] | trackback[0]


Mikhail Gorbatchev

Lorsque Mikhail Gorbatchev meurt, seul le monde occidental lui rend hommage.

Ca parle tout seul.

Les livres d'histoire devront peut-être ajouter cet élément.

Posted on 02-September-2022 19:30 | Category: News | comment[0] | trackback[0]


LastPass SPF : to the trashcan

Apparently LastPass is hacked/broken again.

LastPass being a single point of failure, as we dev call it, what could possibly go wrong (from day one) ?

It was written on the wall. As a discipline, password handling should be done offline. The last thing you want is to begin by sharing your passwords with a third-party. Whe shit happens, it is deserved, after all.

Posted on 26-August-2022 19:38 | Category: News | comment[0] | trackback[0]


Céréales ukrainiennes, qui bloque vraiment ?

Je lis cet article de 20 minutes sur le blocage des céréales ukrainiennes depuis des mois, et je m'interroge :

extrait : "Les trois ports ukrainiens désignés pour les exportations de céréales ont « repris le travail », même s’il reste des efforts à faire pour assurer la sécurité des convois, a annoncé ce mercredi la marine ukrainienne."

Cette phrase sous-entend la sécurité face aux russes qui seraient forcément bélliqueux, sauf que...

extrait : "Celles-ci (les exportations) sont également entravées par la présence de mines marines, disséminées par les forces ukrainiennes pour se prémunir d’un assaut amphibie russe."

...et donc voilà le smoking gun. Les céréales ont été bloquées par les ukrainiens eux-mêmes.

Posted on 27-July-2022 19:46 | Category: France | comment[0] | trackback[0]


xlsgen : WEBP pictures

Build of xlsgen has support for adding pictures in sheets using the WebP file format standard.

WebP has recently become mainstream enough so Microsoft added support for this file format in Excel in 2021 in subscription-based Excel 365, and also the licensed version Excel 2021.

WebP is both lossy and lossless, depending on the client application generating it, and can have additional features which actually make it better than anything else out there from a feature standpoint and from a file size standpoint. In short, it is better than JPEG, PNG, GIF combined.

worksheet.NewPicture(".\\pic.webp", 1, 1, 36, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0);

Posted on 26-July-2022 19:09 | Category: xlsgen, Excel generator | comment[0] | trackback[0]


Windows 12 to arrive in 2024

Windows 12 to arrive in 2024.

First, insert cricket sound here./

Second, those guys can't be trusted. They said 5 years ago or so that Windows (10) was the last Windows version that would ship, and they used this ever since in order to force updates down the throat of every single licensed user on the planet (windows updates cannot be refused, they can only be pushed a couple days later). And yet, here we are with so-called "major" releases again.

Third, everyone knows that Microsoft can't ship anything without breaking features, drivers, etc. So IT Admins must scramble again at the idea that this will again have major deployment effects across the enterprise.

Last but not least, the bozos working at Redmond do not believe in their own shit, so they keep cancelling what they have introduced before. So expect changes to the user interface again...

All this while what the majority of Windows users want is a stable OS. A freaking S T A B L E OS and nothing else.

Posted on 16-July-2022 19:24 | Category: anti-Microsoft | comment[0] | trackback[0]


Ouest France : allo ?

Lorsque l'ouest france titre "Gaz, électricité, fuel… Comment la France cherche à éviter une pénurie", j'aimerai leur proposer un titre plus journalistique comme "Gaz, électricité, fuel… Comment la France cherche à éviter de payer les conséquences de l'embargo qu'elle a mis en oeuvre".

Juste question de ne pas travestir l'histoire.

Posted on 13-July-2022 15:12 | Category: France | comment[0] | trackback[0]


xlsgen : Electrocardiograms

Build of xlsgen adds support for reading and displaying electrocardiograms.

Electrocardiograms (data)


Electrocardiograms (charts)

xlsgen can import electrocardiograms for data and visual analysis purposes. This is expected to streamline data transfer in health related corporations.

Electrocardiograms are the result of placing electrodes on someone's body (simple electrodes, holter, ...), measuring the tension in electrodes over a period of time, then analysing the peaks and lows to identify a potential pathology.

The standard electrode names (called leads) are imported as well : lead I, lead II, lead aVR, ...

The health practitioner saves electrocardiograms in binary files, whose file format are standardized (ISO). xlsgen can read SCP-ECG files, which are files with a .SCP suffix.

From a programming standpoint, importing an electrocardiogram in xlsgen is really simple :

C++ code

xlsgen::IXlsEnginePtr engine( __uuidof(xlsgen::CoXlsEngine) );

xlsgen::IXlsWorkbookPtr wbk = engine->New( L"electro_cardiogram.xlsx");
xlsgen::IXlsWorksheetPtr wksht = wbk->AddWorksheet(L"Data");

Doing so imports the table of electrode data over time in the current worksheet, and creates another worksheet for the associated charts.

Posted on 11-July-2022 09:34 | Category: xlsgen, Excel generator | comment[0] | trackback[0]


Disable Mozilla Firefox/Thunderbird check and auto updates

Fed up with this auto update nonsense in Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird ?

Ok. Just do this :

- quit Firefox and Thunderbird
- open the registry editor (Windows+R and then regedit.exe)
- manually expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Policies
- right-click on Policies and choose Create a new key, name it Mozilla
- right-click on Mozilla and choose Create a new key, name it Firefox
- right-click on Mozilla and choose Create a new key, name it Thunderbird
- click on Firefox, then on the right panel right-click and choose create a new DWORD value, name it DisableAppUpdate, set its value to 1 (instead of 0)
- click on Thunderbird, then on the right panel right-click and choose create a new DWORD value, name it DisableAppUpdate, set its value to 1 (instead of 0)
- quit the registry editor

You're officially out of this auto-update nonsense. Now you can start Firefox or Thunderbird, go in the Help / About box and it will say this : "Updates disabled by your system administrator". This ridiculous chicken game is now over.

Posted on 10-July-2022 10:17 | Category: News | comment[0] | trackback[0]


xlsgen : AutoIt script language

Build of xlsgen adds support for AutoIt, a scripting language that is very much like VBScript, supports COM/Automation.

AutoIt code

Local $engine = ObjCreate("ExcelGenerator.ARsTdesign")

$workbook = $engine.New("sample.xlsx")

$worksheet = $workbook.AddWorksheet("Sheet1")

$worksheet.Label(2, 3) = "Hello world!"


$engine = 0


Posted on 06-June-2022 10:00 | Category: xlsgen, Excel generator | comment[0] | trackback[0]


xlsgen : 14 new functions

Build of xlsgen adds read and write support for 14 new functions, introduced in the subscription-based Excel version earlier in May 2022 by Microsoft.

TEXTBEFOREReturns text that’s before delimiting characters 
TEXTAFTERReturns text that’s after delimiting characters
TEXTSPLITSplits text into rows or columns using delimiters
VSTACKStacks arrays vertically
HSTACKStacks arrays horizontally
TOROWReturns the array as one row
TOCOLReturns the array as one column 
WRAPROWSWraps a row array into a 2D array 
WRAPCOLSWraps a column array into a 2D array 
TAKEReturns rows or columns from array start or end
DROPDrops rows or columns from array start or end
CHOOSEROWSReturns the specified rows from an array 
CHOOSECOLSReturns the specified columns from an array 
EXPANDExpands an array to the specified dimensions 

Posted on 05-June-2022 08:54 | Category: xlsgen, Excel generator | comment[0] | trackback[0]


La fin prochaine de Twitch ?

Question provocatrice peut-être, mais je me demande si la fin de Twitch approche car devoir supporter jusqu'à 6 publicités en enfilade lors de la diffusion en live, régulièrement genre toutes les 30 minutes, ça me fait plus penser au fait que je regarde une chaîne de télévision à l'ancienne qu'autre chose.

Le bombardement publicitaire, merci mais très peu pour moi.

Difficile de croire que je suis le seul à le penser.

Dommage aussi qu'il n'y ait pas, à ma connaissance, limitée sur ce sujet, de moyen d'auto-diffusion d'un live vidéo. Soit chez soi, grâce à la fibre survoltée, ou chez un hébergeur européen proposant ce service moyennant finance raisonnable.

Posted on 03-June-2022 09:36 | Category: France | comment[0] | trackback[0]


xlsgen : Fix for table rearrangement

Build of xlsgen fixes a problem related to committing changes to a table object under certain circumstances.

Posted on 28-May-2022 19:58 | Category: xlsgen, Excel generator | comment[0] | trackback[0]


xlsgen : Dynamic arrays

Build of xlsgen introduces support for dynamic arrays.

Dynamic arrays is a formula mode meant to replace the array formula mode. Microsoft calls the old array formula mode, the one with {...} curly braces (obtained by hitting Ctrl+Shift+Enter on the keyboard), legacy array formulas. Legacy array formulas are still available for compatibility reasons in Excel but dynamic arrays are now the preferred mode.

Dynamic arrays are much easier to use in practice because there is no surrounding or escape symbol. Dynamic arrays are automatically created whenever the calculation engine encounters a formula result holding more than one value, i.e. a vector of values or a matrix of values. When this occurs the resulting values are spilled in other cells near the current cell. In Excel the formula bar shows the formula greyed out in all cells but the first one, making it possible to understand where the values in cells come from.

Dynamic arrays were introduced in fall 2018 in the subscription-based Excel version. And got ported to a licensed version, namely Excel 2021. xlsgen adds it too.

Example : =SORT(A2:A10), this SORT() formula returns the a range of same size than the input range, and as such is a perfect example of dynamic array formula. Dynamic array formula may appear just about everywhere where a formula result in a cell is more than one literal value.

Dynamic array formulas are not compatible with Excel version earlier than Excel 2021 so in those previous versions they appear as legacy array formulas but with a potential breaking behavior because calculating a dynamic array formula and a legacy array formula isn't the same : the first is cell-based, the other is range-based. In either case, Microsoft chose not to support dynamic array formulas in XLS files. In other words this is for XLSX, XLSB and their variants (XLSM, XLTM, ...)

Because dynamic array formulas may not be suitable in some scenarios, xlsgen provides a property (at the workbook level called DynamicArray) which can disable it altogether. Dynamic arrays are on by default because they provide an inherently better mechanism for working with formulas than legacy array formulas.

Posted on 27-May-2022 09:41 | Category: xlsgen, Excel generator | comment[0] | trackback[0]


Chapeau bas aux journalistes français

Annoncer et célébrer la victoire de l'Ukraine à l'eurovision sans exprimer le moindre doute, c'est l'honneur du journalisme français !!! Plus aligné avec les intérêts américains tu ne peux pas !! carpettes !!!!

Posted on 15-May-2022 14:46 | Category: France | comment[0] | trackback[0]



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