Setting up SQL Server Integration Services for xlsgen

A future build will make this automated, but in the meantime, you can always do the following in order to enable the use of xlsgen in SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) right now.

We assume that the machine has SSIS already installed and xlsgen installed by running the regular installer available from our website.

First of all, you need the .NET Framework SDK (any version) because we will be using 3 tools that are part of it, namely : sn.exe, tlbimp.exe and gacutil.exe. The .NET Framework SDK (any version) is a free download on the Microsoft website.

In order to setup xlsgen for use in SSIS, we need to do the following : create a public/private key pair for signing the .NET assembly, create the .NET assembly with this public/private key pair and finally install the .NET assembly in the global assembly cache, which is a subfolder of /Windows where .NET stores any .NET assembly meant to be loaded on the system arbitrarily.

Open-up a command-line window, and make sure the .NET Framework tools are accessible from the command-line. The easiest way to achieve this is to open the command line window from the Visual Studio program group : there is a shortcut waiting for you there. Otherwise, just add the .NET Framework /bin folder in your PATH.

Next, create a public/private key pair :

sn.exe -k <xlsgen>\keyfile.snk

Next, create the .NET assembly (interop) :

tlbimp.exe <xlsgen>\xlsgen.dll /keyfile:<xlsgen>\keyfile.snk /out:<xlsgen>\Interop.xlsgen.dll

Then, install the .NET assembly in the global assembly cache :

gacutil.exe /i <xlsgen>\Interop.xlsgen.dll

When this completes, you can see the .NET assemply in /Windows/assembly.

Also worth noting, if you are integrating xlsgen as part of SSIS 2005, you will also need to make a copy of the .NET assembly in the following folder : c:\windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.xxxxx. The reason why is that the SSIS Business Intelligence script design mode will list the assemblies from that folder as external .NET assemblies that you can add as a reference in your code. There is no such need for any version of SSIS other than 2005.

Posted on 05-December-2014 22:30 | Category: xlsgen, Excel generator | comment[0] | trackback[0]


Announcement : SQL Server Integration Services

We are happy to announce that xlsgen can now be used in SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) as a key component for loading data sources, extract/transforming data sources, or exporting data sources in different ways.

For this to happen, xlsgen must be made available to the SQL Server Integration Services at design time, in the SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio, and at run-time in SQL Agent jobs.

What is needed to make this happen is to make a copy of the xlsgen .NET assembly in a location known as the global assembly cache (a folder where the .NET runtime knows it can load assemblies).

This can be done by hand on a computer where the .NET SDK is installed (the version of the .NET SDK does not matter) and we will provide in next build an automated tool for doing this by double-clicking on a Setup file.

This works for all SQL Server Integration Services versions out there (2005, 2008, 2008 R2, 2012, 2014). In version 2005, a copy of the xlsgen .NET assembly must also be made in the following folder (c:\windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.xxxxx).

Once this is done, any Script Task (a concept that is much like VBA macros in spreadsheets) can reference the xlsgen object model, hence take advantage of the entire xlsgen API.

This becomes powerful as Script Tasks can use parameters such as Variables that can be configured in SSIS packages as well as SQL Agent jobs.

Posted on 05-December-2014 21:11 | Category: xlsgen, Excel generator | comment[0] | trackback[0]


Le garage de Apple est un mythe

Sans surprise, malgré les biographies sur le sujet, le garage de Steve Jobs soi-disant utilisé pour concevoir les premiers ordinateurs Apple, est une fabrication intégrale, un mythe moderne.

Steve Wozniak, le génie d'Apple, l'explique dans une interview récente :

extrait : "The work was being done—soldering things together, putting the chips together, designing them, drawing them on drafting tables—at my cubicle at Hewlett-Packard (HPQ) in Cupertino [Calif.]. That was an incredible time. It let me do a lot of side projects, and it was five years to the summer of ’75, when I built the Apple computer, the first one. The next summer I built the Apple II computer.

The garage is a bit of a myth. We did no designs there, no breadboarding, no prototyping, no planning of products. We did no manufacturing there. The garage didn’t serve much purpose, except it was something for us to feel was our home. We had no money. You have to work out of your home when you have no money.

J'attends la remise en cause de ce que l'on considère encore comme la réalité. Par exemple, la créativité de Apple avec l'ipod et l'iphone, alors que de toute évidence, tout cela existait auparavant, seulement de manière moins intégrée.

Posted on 05-December-2014 20:53 | Category: France | comment[0] | trackback[0]


Il n'y a plus de presse en France

Il n'y a plus de presse en France, la preuve :

extrait : "Le groupe belge Roularta a mis en vente son pôle de presse français (magazines L'Express, L'Expansion, L'Etudiant, Point de Vue...) et quatre ou cinq candidats sont en lice, a-t-on appris vendredi de source proche du dossier. Ce pôle, que Roularta avait acquis en 2006 pour 210 millions d'euros, serait mis en vente aujourd'hui pour quelques dizaines de millions d'euros et l'opération devrait être conclue dans les semaines qui viennent, selon cette source. (...) En 2013, le groupe belge avait accusé une perte nette de 57,9 millions d'euros, surtout à cause de ses magazines français. En réaction, il a mis en place des mesures de réduction de coûts et d'effectifs dans sa branche française, cessé le mensuel L'Entreprise et fusionné les revues Maison magazine et Maison française."

Je rappelle que le directeur de l'Express n'est autre que Christophe Barbier, éditorialiste présent sur tous les plateaux de télévision pour y donner sa vision de la vie, et qui pourtant a fait couler le magazine dont il avait la direction. Sans surprise, cette presse de la pensée dominante coule car elle n'a aucun lecteur. Le magazine tente de vivre avec sa pensée politiquement correct au milieu de deux publicités, mais les annonceurs publicitaires ont fini par se rendre compte qu'il n'y avait aucun intérêt à acheter de l'espace publicitaire dans une revue qui n'est lue par personne.

Mon petit doigt me dit que L'Express devait en plus bénéficier de larges subventions de l'état au titre de la presse, et peut-être même au titre de la liberté d'expression !

L'espoir que ce naufrage fasse l'objet d'un reportage au JT de TF1 ou France2 ? Aucun.

Posted on 05-December-2014 16:02 | Category: France | comment[0] | trackback[0]



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